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Sign-up to Bazaart

Bar Bazaart
Last Updated: 8 months ago

By signing up for Bazaart, you'll have access to your Bazaart Premium subscription plan across all your devices: iOS (iPhone, iPad and Mac), Android, and Web.

If you're not sure which sign-in method you used (Apple, Facebook or Google), you can check under the app's settings.

For example, if you're trying to use a subscription purchased on your iPhone to access the Bazaart Web app, follow these steps:

  1. Check if you’re signed in to Bazaart. Go to Bazaart’s Settings on the app and scroll all the way down. At the bottom, if you’re signed-in, you’ll see the sign-in method along with the specific email address you signed up with.

  2. If you’re not signed in, complete the sign-up process. Go to Bazaart's Settings > Sign up > choose your preferred sign-in method. You can sign up to Bazaart using your Apple, Google, or Facebook account.

  3. Use the same sign-up method, along with the exact same email address, to access the Bazaart Web app. It’s as simple as that!

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