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I have an active subscription but it is not recognized in Bazaart

Bar Bazaart
Last Updated: 9 months ago

Purchased Premium from the App Store (iPhone/iPad)

You can access Bazaart premium on your Apple devices if you are connected to the same Apple ID you used to make the purchase.

Purchasing Premium on Apple gives you access to Bazaart premium Web App. To gain access to Bazaart Premium Web App you must be signed-up on your Apple device (see sign-up instructions below).

Afterwards, sign-in to the Web App with the same sign-in method. For example, if you signed up with your Google account, you should sign-in to the Web App with the same Google account (exact same email).

Sign-up to Bazaart

Purchased Premium from Google Play (Android)

You can access Bazaart premium on your Android devices if you are connected to the same Google Play account you used to make the purchase.

Please note that according to Google Play's policy, to have access to your subscription, the Bazaart app also needs to be downloaded from this Google Play account (to resolve this issue check the article below).

Purchasing Premium on Android gives you access to Bazaart premium Web App / iOS app. To gain access, you must be signed-up on your Android device with your Google account. Go to the app's Settings> Sign up.

Afterwards, sign-in to the Web App / iOS app with the same Google account.

Why don't I have access to my subscription on Android?

Purchased Premium from the Web

When purchasing a Premium subscription you sign-up to Bazaart. To gain access to Bazaart iOS you must be signed-in with the exact sign-in method. For example, if you signed up with your Google account, you should sign-in to the iOS App with the same Google account (exact same email).

At the moment, you can access the Android app only if you sign up using a Google account.

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